Kelly Knueppel
Train correctly for Midlife!
My philosophy is to educate you on how to use short resistance workouts along with walking to lose fat and support your metabolism. My goal is to help you establish new habits so that you are confident going forward on your own.
To establish new habits in fitness and nutrition- contact me about private or semi-private training.
Health and Wellness Coaching is a side benefit of training with me but you can also book Coaching Sessions just to set goals, find motivation and move toward your best vision of vitality. Many chronic health issues are improved through lifestyle change but without support, lifestyle change can be difficult. Don't wait for nagging complaints to become limiting, add a health coach to your team and do all you can to help your body move toward health and away from disease.

Kelly Knueppel is the Owner of Kelly's
Fitness LLC. She has 25 years of experience as a Personal Trainer (IFPA). Kelly has a passion for educating women on the most efficient, effective ways to stay fit despite their busy lives!
Kelly is a Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach with the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy.
Additional Certifications:
Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification 2021
Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach 2019 (FMCA)
Strength Training over 50 - Certification 2018
Sports Medicine Specialist 2017
Advanced Flexibility Specialist 2015
Sports Nutrition Specialist 2013
Core Training for Athletes 2010
Nutritional Approach based on the work of Dr. Jade Teta
Tel: 215-429-2261